Experience the sweet science of boxing

Morning, noon and evening available | Private, partnered or small group focused sessions

Back to basics

New, or feeling new to boxing??

Sessions focus on the fundamentals of boxing to properly build technique and endurance. Get comfortable with working combinations on the heavy bag and navigating footwork. Get a great session regardless of level!

For all levels, absolute beginner to pro, this masterfully designed program will help you develop a new kind of body confidence and awareness.


Strength and boxing

We start with mastering basics in strength, mobility and boxing techniques and progress for a highly effective muscular and cardiovascular training session.

A thorough warm up followed by strength & mobility work up using bodyweight, kettlebells, TRX, sleds, ropes, barbells. Authentic and true boxing session includes  skipping and Russian boxing warm up, heavy bag and pad work, and a restorative stretch to end.